Supplementary Terminal Illness/ Dread Disease Expenses Rider
In consideration of having paid to the Corporation the premium as stated in the first schedule the Corporation agrees to offer terminal illness/ dread disease benefit subject to the following terms and conditions.
50% of the Sum Assured subject to maximum amount of sum insured.
2.Specified events;
a. Heart Attack %u2013being the death of a portion of the heart muscle (Myocardium) resulting from a blockage of the coronary arteries: the diagnosis being evidenced by a history of typical prolonged chest pain, new electrocardiograph changes and by the elevation of cardiac enzymes above standard laboratory levels of normal results.
b. Coronary Artery Disease Surgery – being the actual undergoing of bypass surgery (either sapheous vein or internal mammary graft) for the treatment of coronary artery disease. Diagnosis is by accepted angiography testing. All other operations are specifically excluded.
c. Cancer – being the presence and uncontrolled growth of a malignant tumour, including leukemia and Hodgkin%u2019s disease, the growth of which cannot be medically controlled. Incontrovertible evidence of the invasion of tissue or definite histology of a malignant growth must be produced. The following conditions are excluded: carcinomas in situ of the cervix, tumours which are a premalignant state or showing only early malignant changes, all skin cancers (except malignant melanomas), Stage
1 Hodgkin%u2019s disease and any case where the tumour is a symptom of Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
d. Stroke %u2013 being a cerebrovascular accident or incident producing neurological sequelae lasting more than 24 hours and including infarction of brain tissue, intracranial and/or subarachnoid haemorrhage and embolization from an extracranial source. Acceptable evidence of permanent neurological deficit must be produced.
e. Kidney Failure %u2013 being end stage renal failure presented as chronic irreversible failure of both kidneys to function, as a result of which regular renal dialysis is initiated or renal transplant is carried out.
f. Paraplegia and Paralysis %u2013 total loss of muscle function or sensation to the whole of both lower limbs and/or both the upper limbs as a result of injury or disease. Disability must be established for a continuous period of twelve (12) calendar months and be supported by acceptable neurological evidence.
g. Major Organ Transplant %u2013 the actual undergoing as a recipient, of a transplant of a heart, liver, lung, kidney, pancreas or bone marrow.
3. Exclusion;
No benefit shall be payable under this benefit if the relevant disease or condition was caused directly or indirectly by;
a. Attempted suicide or injury which is self-inflicted or in any way deliberately caused by the Life Assured.
b. Consumption of alcohol, drugs or taking poisons or the application of medications unless administered by a member of the medical profession (other than the Life Assured)
c. Applicable to paraplegia:-
i. An act of the Life Assured which is willful and material violation of law or involvement in any riot, insurrection, civil commotion or usurped power, martial law or any act incidental to or arising from such an occurrence.
ii. Participation in any hazardous sport or pursuit including rock climbing, scuba diving, hang-gliding and aided speed contest of any kind.
No amount shall be payable under this section in respect of a disease or condition diagnosed within a period of six months of the commencement date of the risk. This excludes major organ transplant and paraplegia.