Ethiopian Insurance Corporation celebrates the 2nd employees day

Ethiopian Insurance Corporation celebrates the 2nd employees day.


Ethiopian Insurance Corporation has celebrated the 2nd employees day on 12 February ,2017 at Kality on its own sport center in the presence of his Excellency Dr. Sintayehu WoldeMichael, Director General of the Public Financial Enterprises Agency, the newly assigned CEO of Ethiopian Insurance Corporation, Ato Netsanet Lemessa, EICs managements, all staff in Addis and outline branches around Addis Ababa. Moreover, contract employees and post retired employees were part of the attendants.

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Sintayehu WoldeMichael, delivering remark on the occasion

On his Opening Speech his Excellency Dr. Sintayehu Wolde Michael, Director General of Public financial institutions agency, said that Ethiopian Insurance Corporation is the only govemental insurance institution which is playing a vital role on public economy and other private investments by providing different Insurance covers.

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Ato Netsanet Lemessa delivering an opening speech

On the other hand EIC`S CEO Ato Netsanet Lemessa in his opening speech indicated that this is the 2nd employees day in the corporation history and the main purpose of such event is to create a strong relationship among management and employees, that has to play a vital role in the enhancement of corporate performance.
Finally an award of a gold prize has been given to those employees who were served the company over 20 years and special Certificate for employees who have served from 15 to 20 years in the Corporation.

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